Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tonight I’m going to have nightmares about

the inevitable development of the human version of U0126. Did anyone see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Just wait until King George and Tricky Dick II get ahold of this technique….

The Tonight I’m Going to Have Nightmares series derives from a recent post about smart dust and will serve as a reminder from a foaming-at-the-mouth liberal mind that nothing is OK, we’re all doomed, and everything is going to shit.

Why is it that the mainstream media almost always refuses to even sally forth a single sentence about possible negative consequences of technology, when they are happy to offer wildly optimistic (and often unrealistic) hopes for the benefits? Maybe because technology is impossible to stop, so we may as well go on and accept the new world being forced onto us?

(ken, you’ve got to stop drinking and blogging….)

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