Thursday, March 1, 2007

My dad is awesome and hilarious (so is my mom, but she doesn't know what email is, so it would be harder to capture her awesomeness in words):

Glad to hear you scheduled the box pickup. We will definetly pray for the best outcome.
Get settled, get some rest and then give us a call. Let me know if you need any more start-up funds.

Guess if a lesson is to be learned from this, it's plan ahead! Your first move to and your second move in NYC can now be characterized as nervous desperation. Good experience, though. And I'm sure you'll get better so it will not be as difficult next time. As my good friend Murray Smith always to plan....plan to fail.

Love you.



keNYC said...

dude, your dad is so cool...

ergo said...

dude, that's deep.

ldbug said...

Parents are cool.

keNYC said...

Parents freaking rock.